Monday, May 4, 2020

3rd Grade Magazine Imagination (04/05- 17/05)

PROJECT:  (04/05- 17/05)

Hello everyone!!

We have another project for the next two weeks! We´re going to keep practicing recycling, so we will need our magazines or newspapers again!

First, you need to select a cut out portion of an image from a magazine. You can even have someone in your house cut out a part of the picture for you for a surprise!

Second, you will glue the portion of the image onto a piece of paper. (Make sure you leave space around the image!)

Third, we need to think of what the rest of the drawing could be! We need to complete the image by adding details! Lines, patterns, objects, anything! 

Fourth, we need to color our creations to try and blend the image into our drawing! 

Here is a video and some examples!

We can´t wait to see all of your creations!

Uxía didn´t have a magazine at home but she and her mom found a creative solution! And it´s so cute! 

Yago made a very cool underwater creation!

Sancho added lots of details to his pirate creation!
Gael made a cool soccer/football field!
Leo´s very creative drawing! 
Diego finished the magazine part very well! 
Leo used bright colors and a lot of detail!

Santi´s virus! 

Paula´s furry friends are so cute! 
Nathan´s relaxing and colorful creation!

Sarah made a cute girl! 


Happy happy Friday to everyone!! This week we have TWO fun challenges since teacher Meghan had some problems with her computer last week. ...