Tuesday, April 14, 2020

5th Grade Seraut Project (APRIL & MAY PROJECT)


Hello 5th graders!!

Bélen has given us a project to work on at home so we don´t get bored!

First, we can watch a video to be introduced to Seraut and his style!

Second, let´s read a little about Seurat and his life!

Third, it´s your turn to try pointillism!! Use your felt tip pens and "point" away! (If you do not have a printer, no problem! You can trace this onto a white piece of paper)

Fourth, it´s your turn to make your own work of art in Seraut´s pointillism style! Make sure to use felt tips and to look at the examples!

Tutorial para iniciarse en el puntillismo - Tutoriales arte de ...Puntillismo | Dibujos con puntillismo, Puntillismo para niños ...A View Of The Lighthouse (126 pieces) | Dot art painting, Dot ...Resultado de imagem para dibujos con puntillismo faciles | Dibujos ...Puntillismo - Agora AbiertaEjemplos de puntillismo | Características del puntillismo

Make sure to send us your final results to plasticaconcepcionarenal@yahoo.com when you´re done!! We can´t wait to see what you create!!

We´ve got our first work of art from Elias! Great job Elias!!

Diego R, we love the profile of a man! 

Pablo B. made 2 paintings! Here we have his dock on a sunny day!
Pablo B also made a great sea-scape!

Andres sent us the original Seraut painting! Good job!

Hugo made a beautiful windmill!! 

Alba B. made the cutest cat!

Carmen made a colorful sky with balloons!
Mauro did the original Seraut painting!
Alba R. made some cool ballons in the sky!

Thank you Aitor for an original version of Seraut´s painting!

Icia made an AMAZING girl!!

Álvaro used bright colors for his original Seraut artwork!
Mariela made Mickey in pointillism style! So cool!

Sergio sent us a very good original version of Seraut´s painting!
Mauro´s second masterpiece! Fruit!

Nerea´s original Seraut!

Nerea made a very cute Mickey!

We love how Sergio used Coruña for inspiration!

Pablo added a border to his!

Martín makes us want to go to the beach! 
Lucía´s idea made us smile!!
Mario´s pointillism!

Xián made the Galician flag and shirts! 


Happy happy Friday to everyone!! This week we have TWO fun challenges since teacher Meghan had some problems with her computer last week. ...