Friday, April 24, 2020


Happy Friday and happy WEEKLY FUN CHALLENGE!!! 

Our new challenge is going to be really fun!! We have to draw with our non-dominant hand, which means the hand we normally don´t write or draw with! So, I always use my right hand for everything but this challenge needs me to use my left hand! But if you normally use your right hand, you need to use your left hand!

First we need to watch the video with the same dad and son from last week!

The challenge is drawing with your opposite hand and have someone try to guess what you draw!

Second, we need to choose what we are going to draw! Here are some ideas just in case you need inspiration!

Third, we draw and have someone from our house guess what we are drawing!
It´s okay if they say the word in Spanish but try to teach them the English word too!!

We want to see your drawings! So, take a picture and send it to and we will upload the pictures here and you can try to guess what your friends drew!!

Can you guess what Lucas made with his left hand? 
Uxía got her mom and dad to do the challenge!! We love it!

Dario even colored his drawings!

Iria can draw beautifully with her left hand!

Héctor´s cool video! 

Pablo´s awesome drawing! 


Happy happy Friday to everyone!! This week we have TWO fun challenges since teacher Meghan had some problems with her computer last week. ...